Ready to Sell? Restaurant Brokers Recommend Spring Cleaning!

By Robin Gagnon
April 03, 2013

The sun is shining, Easter weekend has come and gone and it’s time for Spring cleaning if you’re going to sell your bar or restaurant. What do we mean by that? Well, the restaurant brokers are always asked what sellers need when they are listing a...
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Is the Landlord Your Partner in Selling Your Restaurant?

By Robin Gagnon
March 25, 2013

Is the Landlord Your Partner in Selling Your Restaurant? If you answered, no, think again. Not only is the landlord a critical partner in the transfer of your business, he or she is the number one reason why deals to sell your restaurant fail. If...
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Restaurant Brokers Release Top 10 List for February 2013

By Robin Gagnon
March 07, 2013

Okay, what happens when the restaurant brokers list a fully equipped restaurant space for the low price of ZERO dollars! It immediately shoots to number one on the list of the most popular restaurants for sale in Atlanta for the month. This...
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7 Deadly Mistakes in Selling a Restaurant

By Robin Gagnon
January 22, 2013

What separates the “solds” from the “might have solds?” These seven killer mistakes in selling a restaurant made by owners lead the way. As restaurant brokers, we’ve seen it all but these mistakes top the list when selling a restaurant and put you...
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Selling Your Restaurant Peaks at Year End Due to Fiscal Cliff

By Robin Gagnon
January 14, 2013

If you were selling your restaurant in 2012, you might be part of a crowd that waited until the final hour to pull the trigger over worries about the Fiscal Cliff. Biz Buy Sell, the nation's largest business for sale website released statistics last...
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5 Critical Steps in Selling Your Restaurant or Bar

By Robin Gagnon
December 17, 2012

What are the major steps a restaurant owner should follow when selling their restaurant through a broker? This was a question that a writer for a national magazine recently posed to the restaurant brokers. We took a few minutes to lay out these...
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A Restaurant Broker's Advice on Selling a Distressed Restaurant

By Ken Eisenband
December 14, 2012

Owners contact restaurant brokers when they want to sell their restaurants. This article discusses a distress sale and how a restaurant owner handles it. The reasons people contact restaurant brokers to sell their restaurant include retirement,...
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Want to Sell Your Restaurant Equipment? Restaurant Brokers Offer Answers

By Robin Gagnon
December 05, 2012

Are you in the market to sell your restaurant equipment but aren't sure where to go? The restaurant brokers have a solution. Whether you're talking about that old fryer hanging around the storage area or an entire restaurant you've closed...
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Selling a Restaurant - a Three Part Recipe by the Restaurant Brokers

By Robin Gagnon
November 19, 2012

What’s the recipe for selling a restaurant? Like any good dish, you have to begin with the right ingredients says the restaurant brokers. When you’re selling a restaurant those ingredients might be: a good business with a stable cash flow,...
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Does Yelp Matter when you’re Selling Your Restaurant?

By Robin Gagnon
October 24, 2012

As restaurant brokers, we perform a lot of research before selling a restaurant. Our first stop is Google where inevitably, Facebook, the business website and reviews show up first. It turns out that we are not the only ones. Restaurant buyers and...
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