Signs you might be addicted….to Buying a Restaurant

Posted by Robin Gagnon on Aug 27, 2024 11:52:23 AM


Are you constantly scanning restaurant listings, even though you already own one—or two? Are you a first-time restaurant buyer with a social media feed that is only focused on restaurants? Is the We Sell Restaurants website bookmarked on your table, desktop AND always open on your phone? Do you find yourself daydreaming about your restaurant venture? You’re not alone. After all, George Bernard Shaw famously said, “There is no sincerer love than the love of food.”

If these symptoms describe your actions, it could be you are experiencing something familiar to many entrepreneurs: the exhilarating, addictive pull of the industry. It is why something that begins as a single investment can quickly turn into an obsession. You might be addicted to the idea of buying a restaurant if the thrill of finding the perfect deal, closing on a new opportunity, and growing your portfolio has become a regular part of your life. In this article, we’ll explore the signs that suggest you might be addicted to buying restaurants, and why this isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

👉The Thrill of the Hunt

One of the first signs you might be addicted to buying restaurants is your attraction to the thrill of the hunt. There's something about scrolling through listings, picturing the potential of each space, and imagining how you could transform it into a thriving business that keeps you coming back for more. You eagerly await the latest email blast for the newest listings. Even after you own a restaurant, you find yourself returning to the marketplace, wondering if there’s something even better out there. For some, the search itself is as exhilarating as the purchase. The sense of possibility fuels your passion, driving you to keep looking for that next great opportunity.

Example: Take, for example, the story of a David, a restaurant owner we are working with who just purchased his third location. Despite being fully occupied with his last venture, he found himself browsing listings during his downtime. It wasn’t long before he stumbled across another opportunity that he just couldn’t pass up. It wasn’t about needing a new project; it was about the irresistible allure of finding the next big thing.

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👉More than One? Why Not!

Once you’ve felt the thrill of discovering a promising restaurant for sale, the next step—actually buying it—can feel like sealing the deal. But for those who might be addicted to buying restaurants, the purchase itself is just the beginning. The satisfaction of closing on a deal brings a rush of accomplishment, but it also fuels the desire to do it all over again. You find yourself thinking, “What’s next?” even as you celebrate your latest acquisition. This constant need for the next opportunity is a clear sign that the excitement of buying restaurants isn’t just a phase—it’s something you crave.

Pros and Cons of Owning More than One Restaurant

👉The Constant Negotiator

For many restaurant buyers, it’s not just about acquiring another business—it’s about mastering the art of negotiation. The back-and-forth discussions with the Certified Restaurant Broker, the strategic offers, and the final handshake can be a game that some find just as thrilling as owning the restaurant itself. If you’re addicted to buying restaurants, you likely savor the negotiation process, viewing it as an intellectual challenge where each deal is an opportunity to test your skills. Closing a deal isn’t just a transaction; it’s a win. And once you’ve experienced that rush, it’s hard not to chase it again with the next opportunity.

👉Always Learning the Industry

Beyond the thrill of the deal, there’s another layer to this addiction: the constant pursuit of knowledge. Restaurant buyers who find themselves continuously drawn to the industry aren’t just looking for the next opportunity—they’re also hungry for information. Whether it’s attending industry conferences, studying successful restaurant models, or visiting the test kitchen at the food suppliers like Sysco, U.S. Food or Gordon Food Service, these buyers are always learning. For them, buying restaurants isn’t just about the business—it’s about becoming an expert in the field. The drive to stay informed and ahead of the game only deepens their connection to the industry, making it even harder to step away.

👉Networking with Other Addicts

Networking with others in the industry can be another addictive aspect of buying restaurants. The social side of restaurant ownership—connecting with brokers, fellow owners, and industry insiders—provides a steady stream of opportunities and inspiration. For those hooked on the process, these relationships become vital, keeping them in the loop for the next big deal. Whether it’s attending industry events, joining restaurant owner groups in person or online, the chance to exchange ideas and learn about potential opportunities fuels the addiction. Every conversation could lead to the next restaurant acquisition, making networking an essential and exciting part of the journey.

👉The Allure of the Unknown

For many restaurant buyers, the allure of the unknown and ability to go into a turnaround restaurant for sale like these and build a thriving business is what keeps them coming back. The restaurant industry is dynamic, unpredictable, and full of challenges, which can be incredibly appealing to those who thrive on risk and adventure. Each new restaurant represents an opportunity to tackle something different—whether it's turning around a struggling business, launching a new concept, or breaking into a new market. If you’re addicted to buying restaurants, it’s likely the uncertainty that excites you. The idea of taking on a new challenge, with all its risks and rewards, becomes a driving force that makes the pursuit of the next venture irresistible.

👍Conclusion: In the end, being addicted to buying restaurants isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It is reflective of a passion that fuels your drive, creativity, and ambition. Whether it’s the thrill of the hunt, the satisfaction of a successful deal, or the excitement of taking on a new challenge, this addiction is what keeps you engaged in the dynamic world of restaurant ownership. Recognizing these signs in yourself is the first step in embracing your entrepreneurial spirit. If you see yourself in these scenarios, you’re not alone—and the good news is, there’s always another opportunity waiting. When you’re ready for your next move, We Sell Restaurants is here to help guide you through the process, making sure that your passion for buying restaurants leads to success. After all, there are worse things to be addicted to!

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Robin slug photoRobin Gagnon, Certified Restaurant Broker®, MBA, CBI, CFE is the co-founder of We Sell Restaurants and industry expert in restaurant sales and valuation. Named by Nation’s Restaurant News as one of the “Most Influential Suppliers and Vendors” to the restaurant industry, her articles and expertise appear nationwide in QSR Magazine, Franchising World, Forbes, Yahoo Finance, and BizBuySell. She is the co-author of Appetite for Acquisition, an award-winning book on buying restaurants.

Topics: Buying a Restaurant

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