Selling a Restaurant: Asian Flavor, Palate Bistro and Bar, and Mauka Poke Bar

Posted by Robin Gagnon on Apr 19, 2024 4:13:10 PM


From life changes, to retirement and more, there are a number of different reasons why you might start thinking about selling your restaurant. The stories below are from real restaurant owners who sought a Certified Restaurant Broker® when thoughts of selling first emerged. While each owner had a different reason for selling, We Sell Restaurants delivered the same goal result: a sold restaurant. Read on to learn why these restaurant owners called We Sell Restaurants. 

10551 Asian Flavor

David & Tasanawa's Story: Ready for Retirement
Mt Pleasant, SC

David and Tasanawa opened Asian Flavor together in 2018, establishing a loyal customer following on only a limited staff and no outside help. After five years of ownership, this husband-wife team was ready to retire from the restaurant business and try their hand at a new venture.

However, when thoughts of selling first emerged, they simply weren't sure where to start. How much do we sell the restaurant for? How fast can it be sold? That's when they reached out to Certified Restaurant Brokers Emily and Bernie for answers to their questions.

Emily and Bernie guided them through each step of the process, sending updates often and answering every inquiry. Within months, an offer was secured from a cash buyer. The business transaction continued smoothly and Asian Flavor was sold!

The couple said this of working with Emily and Bernie:

"Emily and Bernie were great to work with, very professional and easy to get a hold of. Any questions or concerns that we had all we had to do is send a text or call. If they didn't know the answer, they would find it out. We would highly recommend."

David and Tasanawa celebrated the sale with mimosas and a long walk on the beach together—something they loved doing but rarely had the time to do before. The couple is excited to step into their next adventure together by exploring commercial real estate and other small business opportunities. 

➡Read also - How to Retire from Owning a Restaurant in 3 Steps

IMG_0739The Palate Bistro and Bar Story
Orlando, FL

Restaurants aren't just businesses—they are passion projects and dreams come true for many restaurateurs. What happens when your heart isn't in the business anymore? This restaurant owner bought Palate Bistro and Bar a few years ago with the help of We Sell Restaurants. The business was a dream for he and his friend, who would be the chef. 

Certified Restaurant Broker® Debra Sawyer with the buyers and seller of Palate Bistro and Bar.

Due to unfortunate circumstances beyond his control, the owner decided it was time for someone else to take over. A recent tragic life event changed the restaurant for him, and his heart simply wasn't in the business anymore. 

The owner went to Certified Restaurant Broker® Debra Sawyer for help transitioning the business to someone who would be excited to run the restaurant again. In less than six months, Debra secured a buyer and guided both parties through a smooth deal and successful transition. 

The buyers applauded Debra's work saying, "[It was] Very nice working with you, appreciate all your feedback, process updates, patience. Hope we can do more deals in future."

As specialized restaurant brokers, we understand the emotion, the passion, and the work ethic that plays a part in restaurant ownership. Your restaurant is not just a business, and the idea of selling it is not just a transaction. We are grateful to the former owner of Palate Bistro and Bar for trusting We Sell Restaurants to help him exit his business. We wish him well on the next chapter of his life.  

➡Read also - How to Find a Qualified Buyer When Selling Your Restaurant

Stephen and Kira's Story: Mauka Poke Bar
Eagle, CO

Stephen and his wife, Kira, opened Mauka Poke Bar in 2021. Their award-winning concept was quickly voted the Vail Valley "Best Healthy Food"— two years in a row! Profits were increasing and the business was performing well, so why did they decide to sell?

Not only was business growing, but their family was growing, too. Stephen and Kira had just welcomed their first child and were becoming more busy at home. On top of that, Stephen was working another job in addition to owning the restaurant.

As home and work life grew busier, Stephen scheduled a call with We Sell Restaurants to talk about selling. We delivered the valuation, decided on the appropriate price, and soon enough Stephen and Kira's poke bar was listed for sale and sold!

Life gets busy. It may not have been their original plan to sell after two years, but Stephen and Kira decided the time was right for their family to step back from restaurant ownership. 

➡Read also - How to Accurately Calculate the Value a Restaurant Business

When is it the Right Time to Sell Your Restaurant?

Did any of these stories resonate with you? If you are wondering the right time to sell your restaurant is, then it may be time to call a Certified Restaurant Broker® to find out. Whether you are looking towards retirement, experiencing a life change, or simply ready to move on, our expert restaurant brokers are ready to guide you every step of the way. 

→Read also - 5 Signs You're Ready to Sell Your Restaurant

Download the Free Guide to Selling a Restaurant

Topics: Buying a Restaurant, Selling a Restaurant, Seller Stories

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