The Buckhead Atlanta bar for sale featured a free standing building, its own parking, an almost brand new build out and more. Most importantly, this was not a listing where "Buckhead" really means something else. The bar was located at ground zero in the shopping district best defined by the Atlanta Journal Constitution who coined the phrase, "Where old money lives (and) new money parties." The beautifully designed space featured the best trends in pulling together a classy and original bar.
Amanda Fore, the owner of the restaurant for sale, approached the restaurant brokers to list the business the first week of September. After quickly writing the listing and taking the photographs, the listing went live on September 10 in an email campaign to thousands of registered buyers on the popular We Sell Restaurants website. "It was amazing," said restaurant brokers Eric and Robin Gagnon. "Within 24 hours, we had multiple offers. This proves the power of our marketing platform and the importance of buyer registration on our website." Buyers that register on the We Sell Restaurants platform get access to the latest restaurant for sale listings first. According to restaurant broker Robin Gagnon, this is a big advantage. "When a strong prospect comes onto the market, they aren't beaten to the punch by other offers or waiting to see it on a national website."
The closing was handled in rapid time as well with one week between the offer of the listing and getting to the closing table. The new owners are busy performing an upgrade on the facility before a relaunch in October of 2012.
For assistance in selling your restaurant in record time, contact the restaurant brokers online via their website.