One micro loan company offering choices for financing a restaurant purchase is Accion. Accion offers business loans ranging from $500 to $50,000. They specialize in working with small business owners who cannot borrow from traditional banks due to a business type, short length of time in business or insufficient credit history.
What are the loan requirements? Here’s a look at their requirements:
For most buyers seeking financing for a restaurant purchase, this is much simpler than SBA lender requirements and more cost effective for smaller loans.
You can also get funds from this micro lender for the purchase of an existing business or change of location as long as the restaurant has been in operation for six months or more. They need six months of revenue records on the business. You’ll also need to provide a qualified cosigner, a market study and 12 months of projected financials (or a business plan) and if the business is not yet profitable, a borrower must have external income that is fully able to support the loan.
This is just one of the new sources of funding for financing a restaurant we’ve uncovered. We’ll review another in our next blog posting.